Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Can gematria be used for divination purposes?

Can gematria be Used for Divination Purposes?

Gematria is an ancient system of assigning numerical values to words in order to answer questions or unlock hidden meaning in text. It has been used as a tool of divination by many cultures throughout history, including the Greeks, Hebrews, and Chinese. But how exactly can gematria be used for divination purposes?

The main way gematria is used for divination is by creating a chart that maps out the numerical value of each letter in the alphabet. This chart assigns numeric values to each letter in a specific language and is usually roughly the same across many languages. With this chart, you can calculate the numerical value of any word or phrase and use it to interpret its meaning.

This interpretation of numbers can take a few forms. One method is finding correspondences between words with related meanings that also have similar numerical values. These correspondences help reveal hidden meanings and insights about relationships between different aspects of life, such as the inner workings of events or patterns that are occurring between different forces at play in one's life. For example, in Hebrew gematria, if two people have similar names with comparable numerical values then it may be a sign that those names are connected on some level.

Another use for gematria in divination specifically involves dealing with questions, often questions involving either yes or no answers. When attempting to get an answer to a question through divination using gematria, there are two main ways to go about it: finding connections between words and phrases or narrowing down options through possible choices based on their numerical values and associated meanings related to them. In either case, what someone gets out of practicing gematria depends on how they interact with their interpretations — allowing curiosity and intuition to guide them rather than jumping right into conclusions — and how they react to what's revealed by their readings over time.

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